Talking 10 Kucing tergendut.....

1. Tubcat.

2. Katy, a Russian Fat Cat.

3. Mikesch, a German Fat Cat.

4. The Dwallibee’s Kailee.

5. Sassy aka "Munchkin".

6. Leo, the World’s Longest Cat.

7. Xu Jirong’s Chinese Fat Cat.

8. Tiddles of Paddington Station.

9. Riley, a 24-Lb. Maine Coon.

and the winner is....

sorry klo repost...

hehehe...buat yg masih pelihara kucing...( dah ga dibolehin..)
dijaga yah jgn mpe overweight kyk sodara2 mereka diatas.....
" heart that hurted u, but never hurt a heart that love you..."
By Sarianto

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Ungkapkanlah isi hatimu.... donot dipendam.. hhe